On The Line
User Feedback Page

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We created a separate page for all the Sampras
2000-07-24 |
Chris Chuang |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Agassi |
Graf |
Agassi |
Graf |
Dear Ed Z.,
"I do not know how one goes about educating the public about sports bras
but my initial reaction to the bra line slogan, "Only the balls bounce,"
was a snicker."
Perhaps you should try researching the facts before snickering at something.
Because then you'd have found out on your own that you're snickering at your
own lack of knowledge. You have the slogan wrong. It is NOT "Only the balls
bounce." Rather, it is "Only the BALL SHOULD BOUNCE." By the way, there's
nothing funny about safety in sports, be it for men or women. Your stupid
remark only serves to highlight your total ignorance on the subject. Maybe
the day you get hit in the nuts with a ball will be the day you finally
realize that it's not something to laugh at.
2000-03-06 |
LT |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Re-WTA Player of the year nominees.
I remember almost falling off my chair seeing the nominees. i do not think
anyone would ever dispute Lindsay's place among the nominees. But the omission
of Hingis was a real shocker or was it? If that's how the nominees came
about, that performance and results have no basis but instead winning which tournament or
Grand Slam, or who was the winner that mattered more, I would suggest that WTA change the
name of the award. At least the Oscars do not embarrass themselves by naming the awards the
Actor / Actress of the Year and then give it to someone else. And to think that both Oscars
and Grammys at least have the deserving nominees.
Reading Hingis's results from Ed's column made me even more surprise that Hingis was not even
nominated. If her omission was based on her bratty behavior during the first half of the year,
surely all those criticism from all corners of the press and tennis world plus the public
deriding that she received after the French Open should be sufficient to 'punish' a still
18 year old then. And then her subsequent return to the tour in the 2nd half of the year
entering 7 finals out of the 8 events she played in would have counted for something. Since
it was the media who voted, does this go to show how unprofessional and biased they can get?
Does this also mean that ITF's choice of Hingis as their 1999 Women's Singles and Doubles
player of the year was a wrong one or is it the one that truthfully awards such titles based
on performance and results? Who's got tomato on its face? WTA, ITF or those so called media
who casted their not so partial votes??
1999-08-12 |
Christina Richard |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Gustavo Kuerten |
Martina Hingis |
Bjorn Borg |
Monica Seles (young) |
Thank you so much for the articles from Ed Toombs and Christopher
Gerbey. They were witty and informative. Reading them gave me the feeling
of the tournament experience. I enjoyed the description of the devoted
doubles fan, the rain delay and the demeanor of the players. This is the
sort of thing one never finds
in the mainstream newspapers or sports magazines. Thank you so much!!!
I found this site through an E-mail from the folks that run the Natasha
Zvereva website, and I'm glad I did!
1999-06-24 |
Gail Atkins |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Stephen Edberg |
steffi graf |
Kenny Rosewall |
steffi graf |
I was surprised at the tone of Chris" editorial. It spoke volumes about
the kind of person he is. He obviously has a thought disorder problem
in speaking on Steffi Graf. How true or untrue his alligations may be
did not seem the issue to me. The!
issue lay in his inability to let go of the 'bone' like a dog. Where
was his sense of discretion? His sense of good faith. To give a person
every chance to be proven innocent is part of our life's work as human
beings. Yes, we live in an imperfect wo
d and likely always will. But let's stay on the path to better judgement
in all matters. Steffi is back. In the '99 French Open she just happened
to be the first woman in history to have beaten the number 1,2,&3, seeds
in a Grand Slam event. That she
n the tournament so graciously bodes well for her character. Only her
22 Grand Slam!
1999-06-06 |
Bob Payne |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Agassi |
Graff |
Laver |
Everett |
The original 200G was an interesting frame. I was amazed at
the tension range of this racquet. some of my customers used
the Wilson 6.1. Others the Volkl Comp. series. I would like
to see a test comparison between the new 200G and Slazenger's
Pro Braided frame. This is a frame!
Bob Payne
Olean, New york
1999-03-23 |
ron |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Pete Sampras |
Steffi Graf |
Jimmy Connors |
Chris Evert |
I am a hardcore tennis fan and I too bemoan the lack of decent TV coverage.
Of course the real reason that tennis on television gets such lousy coverage
is that nobody watches it!!! It is very rare for me to talk to a sports
fan that has any intererest
in tennis at all. Most of the guys I play with don't even watch tennis.
The bottom line is that the USTA, ATP, WTA, and ITF lost their chance to
make tennis big when it was a popular fad in the United States. I could
argue that what Sampras has done is far more impressive than what Michael
Jordan accomplished. Nobody will agree
with me only because basketball marketed their sport while tennis organizations
bickered with each other. It will be very tough to convince an entire generation
of U.S. kids that tennis is worthwhile to watch. I expect television to
cover much less tennis
in the future because, simply put, there is no market for it.
1999-02-21 |
elizabeth glass |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
patrick rafter |
martina hingis |
stefan edberg |
martina navratilova |
your article on Sampras is right on. I have seen him many times in person
at the Lipton and have always been disappointed in his performance.
He has never given his all in the early rounds which I assume he thinks
he will win easily and conse!
quently I have seen him lose or nearly lose to far less talented players.
His matches have often been soooo boring because of this. I have never
understood why some writers call him a gentleman. He is lazy, spoiled,
childish and haughty.....
1999-02-21 |
elizabeth glass |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
patrick rafter |
martina hingis |
stefan edberg |
martina navratilova |
i agree with you about the horrendous espn Australian Open coverage.......but
how can we do something about it??????there must be a way.....don't we
tennis fans have any consumer clout?
1999-02-11 |
Antti Maunula |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Tim Henman |
Steffi Graf |
John Mc Enroe |
Martina Navratilova |
Hi Megan,
very interesting to read your diary and find about all things concerning
WTA-tennis. Hope you go ahead up in stats
and get more and more good wins.
Quite extraordinary to share your experiencies with us tennis fans, lots
of thanks from you about that.
Here in Finland we don't have any good players, guess the
best one ist Ville Liukko around 170 in ATP, that's not
much, and among women we have nobody to look forward to
getting among 100 in WTA. Pity. Nonetheless I am great
tennis fan myself and watch a lot of good tennis from Tv.
All the best for 1999 and may your ranking get higher during the year,
hopes one fan from up north!
1999-02-07 |
LT |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
jonas bjorkman |
steffi graf |
stefan edberg |
steffi graf |
With regards to your article on ESPN coverage, it must have been downright
irritating and frustrating to have such insensitive and senseless programming.
Coming from Asia whereby tennis is not exactly the No. 1 sport (soccer
is everything), nevertheless, there are huge followings of the game in many countries.
for a game to grow, media coverage is very important. Obviously that does
not apply to the programmers of ESPN. While people in America still get
at the very least some coverage, ESPN
Asia has never ever covered the Australian Open. They do not include Asia
in their broadcast. There aren't even daily highlights for us to see. All
we get are 2 minute updates on Sportcenter International daily. Even that
happens only if there is a space
or broadcast for the day. What we get instead are hours and hours and hours
of college basketball coverage. I have nothing against basketball but
to show 4 'Live' matches in a day followed by a repeat of all 4 matches
on the same day is really trying
one's patience.
I really would like to ask ESPN one day if they have anything against women's
tennis. There is NO coverage of the women's game at all except for the
occasional Fed Cup matches and that only if USA is playing in the later
So believe me when I say that I know what suffering tennis fans go through
when coverage sucks. Then again, I doubt many go through what we in Asia
have to sit through each year.
With regards....LT
1999-02-04 |
David Dees |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Amen, brother, on Sampras article.
My wife and I have hated his presence for years.
Before, Lendel was the bore of the game. But
Sampras brings horrors to the game. You could have
added his advantages in point system and crooked
rankings by grand slam planners to his list. We will never
watch him live or taped and cheer for him to
lose whenever. Even boring Tod Martin is more
of a winning personality. Get rid of Sampras, change
the scoring and tennis will again take off.
Waiting for Pete to disappear.
Keep up your articles,
P.S. Please send your article to his web page.
1999-02-04 |
Lester Reeves |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Pete Sampras or Carlos Moya |
Martina Hingis |
John McEnroe |
Gabriela Sabatini |
I think many of the points brought forth in this article are correct.
The argument that was begun took a back seat to all that frustrated angst,
however. What is to become of Pete Sampras? He has now skipped a major...the
only tournaments that h!
e truly cares about. When is his scheduled reappearance on the tour?
Many tennis fans believe that this is the beginning of the end for the
27 year old. Will he come back at all and, if he does, what are the chances
he will have the same desire or hung
to win another major
1999-02-01 |
Sophie |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Marcelo Rios |
Martina Hingis |
Alors...je crois que c'est à mon tour de défendre Pete et Steffi.......Non!!
(Jamais je n'aurai une idée pareille voyons!)
Juste faire un petit coucou à Mr Ed Toombs pour lui remercier de m'avoir
invité au contest et donné l'occasion de gagner le classement général.
En plus, c'est un réel plaisir de lire ses updates, toujours agrémentés
d'une touche d'humour personnelle et d'anecdotes judicieuces.
Mais je me dis tout de même que, pour une fois que j'ai de la chance dans
un jeu de concours, vous auriez pu prévoir un prix un peu plus...matériel,
plus concret quoi! (...oh je ne sais pas moi...un voyage à Santiago avec
Marcelo comme guide par exemple..)
Enfin bon , je me contenterai de l'honneur.
Bonne continuation!
PS: j'ai renoncé à essayer de l'écrire en anglais. Désolée, cela me coûte
trop d'énergie! Mais le français est sûrement un peu plus intelligible
que le Chinois phonétique...
Sophie, merci de vos gentils mots, et félicitations pour votre impressionante
1999-01-26 |
Katy Farrar |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Pete Sampras |
Steffi Graf |
Boris Becker |
Steffi Graf |
My Goodness! It is quite obvious that there is quite a vendetta regarding
Ms. Graf. Stop for a minute and think about the fact that Steffi Graf
is by far, statistically the greatest female tennis player that has ever
entered the women's tour. You are comparing her to lightweights. Making excuses as if you are the
rule maker. Saying that Monica Seles is different because she was taken
down for being #1. Steffi had no part of this and does not deserve another
moments lost sleep. Who are you, the
person who decides which person is fit to be on top. My goodness this
is worse than the crappy politics going on in Washington. Check the comments
of tennis greats and you will find that all of them agree that Steffi Graf
has performed in a classy manner
considering all of the unfortunate health problems she has suffered.
Using phrases like "just a bum knee" and whatever else you used is tacky
and classless. Why don't you focus on the good things that Steffi has
contributed in tennis instead of jealousy.
Oh, Katy, you're not keeping up with developments! Our current vendetta is
supposed to be against Pete Sampras.
You call players lightweights. That's not on. That's namecalling. What was
that you said about class?
You ask who we are to decide who is fit to be on top. Er, who is the WTA
to decide which player is supposedly fit to be on top and therefore gets
to have a protected ranking 20 or 30 places higher than the normal rules state?
The thing that I find remarkable, and quite impressive, is that Steffi Graf
basically waited till the special ranking ran out, and then made
her great run at the end of 1998. No special ranking needed! Is that
not the ultimate proof that the WTA should have just stuck with the rules?
1999-01-20 |
Sarah Rodcay |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
What's up! Long time no talk. I have to hear about everything you are doing
from your mom!
I am so excited that I can get online and see what you are up to! I can't
believe how far you come! I am so proud of you!
Good luck in your next tournament!! I'll be watching for you
Sarah Rodcay
1999-01-20 |
Ed T. |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Mauricio Hadad |
Wynne Prakusya |
Baron Gottfried von Cramm |
Evonne Goolagong |
Meghann, I was so sorry to see the result of your
first round match. I know you will regroup and that better
things lie ahead for you. Thank you for sharing your
experiences with us, it's been fascinating and I'm sure
you have lots of new fans following your career. Best wishes.
Second that!
1999-01-19 |
BagTag |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Todd Martin |
Monica Seles |
Hi Meghann
Thanks for sharing with all of us. I have enjoyed reading your diary.
Good Luck in your 1st round match. Maybe you will meet up with Steffi
in the 2cd round and we may actually get to watch some of your match.
1999-01-16 |
Chris |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Henman |
Zvereva |
Ashe |
Zvereva |
Thank you so much for the time you are spending!! It is great to see you
work so hard for a goal and strive for the best. I hope you do well at
OZ!! Good Luck...and keep up the good work!
1999-01-16 |
tom rice |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
agassi |
marina hingis |
bobby riggs |
chris evert |
for the first time i have a feel for the work and devotion that pros have
for the game. and, the importance of the mental game. riggs was a master
of the mental game.
1999:01:14 |
François Donny |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Korda |
Seles |
Becker |
Seles |
Hi Meghann,
it is still very interesting to read your diary, to have
a different kind of information about how tennis players
Best regards for the upcoming tournaments
Dear Francois,
I'm glad you're enjoying my diary. Thanks for your support.
1999:01:13 |
jeff |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Jimmy Connors |
Chris Evert |
Jimmy Connors |
Chris Evert |
Thanks to Meghann Shaughnessy for sharing her wonderful diary with us.
It makes me appreciate how tough a life these young women lead. My only
hope is despite all the trials, losses and wins, Meghann will have the
time to enjoy herself and take t!
he time to smell the roses so to speak. I wish her all the best in her
upcoming tournaments, and hopefully I'll get to see her play one of these
Dear Jeff,
Thanks a lot for your feedback. You are right, the most important thing is to
enjoy yourself. Sometimes I lose perspective of things but the older and more
experienced I become the more I'm starting to enjoy every day.
Thank you,
1999:01:11 |
Paul |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Pat Rafter |
Pat Rafter |
Meg, please do not be so hard on yourself! I've seen many top players
unable to convert on game points, getting percentages in the single figure
range. Those things happen.
Also, Panova did go on a little run, making it through to the main
field, so it's not like you lost to some useless player.
As for wanting to get away from it all, not being around tennis
for a while, there's nothing wrong with that. You do want to pick
up that cheque, though :-)
Dear Paul,
Thank you very much for your positive feedback. I really appreciate your
kindness in taking the time to cheer me up. I hope you continue to follow my
1999:01:08 |
Michelle |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Jan-Michael Gambill |
NZ |
? |
NZ |
I think it's really cool that you are sharing your experiences on and
off the tennis court with us. Thanks for taking the time to do this for
us, the fans, and choosing On The Line magazine as your "publishers." Good
luck and best wishes for a great!
1999 year. :-)
1999:01:07 |
Chris |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Tim Henman |
Natasha Zvereva |
Arthur Ashe |
Natasha Zvereva |
Sorry to hear about your loss Meghann. I was pulling for you back here
in the States. Silvia is a very tough competitor, and she was trying to
redo her excellent results that she had there last year. I wish you the
best of luck in the future and at!
AO!!! GO USA!!!!
1999:01:07 |
Joe |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Pat Rafter |
Jana Novotna |
Bjorn Borg |
To Meghann Shuaghnessy: Just wanted to say I think your diary entries
are very well written. I'm a writer by profession and could never keep
a daily journal. Good luck in Sidney!
Dear Joe,
Thank you for your support. I can't play in the mixed doubles because I don't
have a ranking yet. You need to have played in three tournaments and I only
have two. One of my goals this year is to get a decent doubles ranking. It
will always be on the back burner for me but I think it can help improve my
singles game.
I probably will be going to Toronto this year!
Thanks again,
1999:01:07 |
Mom |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Meghann Shaughnessy |
I love reading your diary. The details about your daily activities make
it very interesting. It sounds like this first tournament is very comfortable
for you and that you are able to find some beautiful spots to "escape"
to, to gain composure. I think
you constantly and thank you for the diary because it answers so many
questions! I love you! MOM
1999:01:07 |
Bill shaughnessy |
Favourite |
male player |
female player |
male ever |
female ever |
Chang |
Graf |
Conners |
Evert |
Meghann, what a great way to follow your progress when your so far away.
your constantly improving your game. good luck in your next match, it's
a huge one for you. who's ever idea this diary was, tell them i am passing
this on for many others to !
review and follow. meghann,your the best and this will be your year.
Cheers, Dad
Thanks, I thought it was a good idea too.
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